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Tales of the travels, trials and triumphs as we explore Australia in a converted bus

Motorhome Travels - April 2003

This page contains details of the trip we did at Easter 2003 in Hobohome before we set off on the big adventure.

Easter with the Knells

The Pacific Sky in sydney
This is John and Glenda arriving onboard the
Pacific Sky. Photo taken from our balcony at
the apartment in Kirribilli.

This was the first major outing for the motorhome. John and Glenda Knell arrived over from Auckland on the Pacific Sky liner to spend Easter with us. We did not have the GPS connected so a track was not recorded.

The trip took us out to Bathurst and then south. The trip home was via a very hilly road (great test for the motorhome and driver).

Can you see them waving?

No - neither could we, they slept in and missed the trip into Sydney Harbour :-)

The Blue Mountains
The four of us at the (very cold) Blue Mountains

John considers entering the Moke into the Bathurst 24 hour race.
Is he hiding or is he just trying to make it go faster?

The campfire
The four of us enjoying a camp fire

The camp that we stayed at for two days. Tivoli moving towards the camera.

This was an awesome trip - we all enjoyed the change of pace and it was lots of fun travelling in the motorhome with our good friends John and Glenda. The alterations to remove the bunk-beds and build a new lounge DO have provision for another double bed so these guys (and others) can come back and stay again - I miss ya muffins Glenda!

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